Time to Rededicate Our Efforts August 30, 2023

The last two months have passed quickly ! I actually did not realize that it has been so long since my last post. June through August have been especially busy for me, but it is time to observe that our adversaries have not been resting. They have regrouped and become more determined than every with the lust for blood unabated.

I realize that the “lust for blood” comment is a bit unkind to those who are motivated by misinformation, those who have a fixed delusion, and those who have been motivated by the lies that generate fear that losing the “right” to abortion is part of a larger plan to take away the social gains that women have achieved in the last 100 years. However, those who perpetuate the lies and those who lust after money and power deserve the label.

To begin the discourse today, let us note that our fearless pro-abortion leader and his political party are going to make the “right to life” movement an issue in the next presidential election. Well…they have no accomplishments at home or abroad that they can point to in order to get votes, so maybe they can scare women into voting for them.

“President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign launched a new pro-abortion ad in several swing states…six states that Biden narrowly won in 2020: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin. It also targets one state that former President Donald Trump narrowly won in 2020: North Carolina.”

Illinois and Vermont recently passed laws that force Pregnancy Help Centers “to pay a penalty if they ’employ unfair or deceptive acts or practices.’ ” That involves the assertion that is is “deceptive” not to offer pregnant women the option of abortion. Whereas Pro-Life organizations are fighting back in the courts, the reader should observe what I have reiterated before: this is no time for complacency.

Indeed, we must double down with increased energy, get out of our comfort zones, and advocate respect for the life and dignity of all persons in all stages of life, in all conditions, and in all circumstances with fierce determination.

Make no mistake about it, our adversaries are serious, determined, and well-funded. “More than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations and churches remain targets of abortion extremists.” (Written by  Gayle Irwin Published in NEWS… citing vandalism and graffiti). And, “Abortion activists claimed a pivotal victory in a swing state Tuesday night, as Ohio voters rejected a measure making it more difficult to add a constitutional “right” to abortion to the state constitution.” (Written by  Ben Johnson Published in NEWS).

Other issues involve trying to prevent pro-life activists from exercising free speech and attempting to force health care workers to do abortions and prescribe contraceptive devices against their personal or religious beliefs. This is part of a larger plan to punish individuals and to force pro-life organizations to spend vast amounts of precious financial resources in lawsuits to defend constitutional rights.

So, do you still think the war against abortion on demand was won by the reversal of Roe ? In fact, the nature of the struggle has changed and become more complex, and it is shaping up to be even more vicious. The might of the federal government and the partisan Department of Justice is being brought to bear against anyone who dares to help pregnant women and give them a choice to choose life for their baby.

The fear that a future president would once-again reverse federal pro-abortion policies by executive order the way it was done in 2016-2020 is part of a driving political force that we see being played out every day. These federal policies are off and on depending on which political party controls the White House. I discuss these laws, regulations, and policies in my book, so I will not elaborate on this complexity here. But, it matters who we vote for at all levels of government.

I have been asked to talk on the subject of what we must do going forward. To these groups it is easy to reiterate the need for activism…prayer vigils, rallies, marches… also to support those entities that educate the public, particularly our youth who will be the leaders of tomorrow. We must also support those who advocate legally to protect our conscience and our right to demonstrate, and we must elect those who will defend life in all its stages and conditions.

However, I am also advocating that we must not be guilty of what we are often accused of…that we only care about the life of the baby and that we care nothing about the impact of an unwanted pregnancy on the mother and her life choices.

In my book, I make note of which women seek an abortion and why women seek an abortion. I cannot recite such detail here, but it is rather obvious that an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy creates a lot of stress on a woman with few resources, often unmarried, often without support by the father, and often concerned with issues related to housing, job, and education, as well as the cost of a baby.

So, we must continue our activism and we must educate the public, and particularly our youth, on the issue that life begins at conception and the growing entity in the womb is a real person. Taking the life of a developing person in the womb must become abhorrent.

However, we must do something new. We will not see an end to most abortions until pregnant women do not feel driven by society to untenable situations. Pregnant women must be assured of all the options in society that non-pregnant women. They must be able to keep their jobs and aspire to go further. Pregnant (often single) women must have an agreeable solution to housing issues that will accommodate a new baby. They must be able to pursue education and new opportunities. They must be able to be away from work at times for personal medical care and to care for the baby. Lately, the cost of childcare is also becoming an important reason for choosing abortion.

If the prospects for social changes along those lines seem challenging, they are. But, did we not overcome obstacles with the Civil Rights Act? Did not Obama get his horribly-complex “Obama-care” legislation passed? Social reform for pregnant women of a sweeping nature must remove much of the uncertainty and fear so many women experience when they have an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. Pregnant women should be treated with the utmost respect (men, think of our own mothers, our wives, and our sisters). These women must know that they have the support of society and that they will retain all of the opportunities in life that non-pregnant women have. Otherwise, many will continue to be driven to abortion.

Let the Pro-Life movement be that which advocates for women’s rights and the dignity of pregnant women. As it is, the Pro-Life movement is like a bunch of people bailing water in a leaky boat…working hard to keep up, but not taking time to fix the leak. Our ultimate success depends on fixing the reasons why women want an abortion in the first place.