Easter Season Hope…and Challenges April 15, 2023

It has been two months since my last post, not that there has been nothing to update. It is just that my life has been very eventful with travel, speaking engagements, and pro-life activities related to the other hats I wear.

However, at this time I first call to your attention an important upcoming event of which you should be aware. It is noted on the web site under “Upcoming Pro-Life Activities” on June 24…check it out. https://buildingacultureoflife.org/?page_id=46 . Please note the calendar and see what you can participate in. I will update the info as it becomes available. There will also be many church-based pro-life activities. I hope these will be enriching experiences to encourage also your friends and associates.

The battle for hearts and minds is now fully engaged, and the most powerful people in federal government have declared their allegiance to the “culture of death.” We must not slow down or pull back from our demands that there be respect for the sanctity of life and recognition of the personhood of people developing in the womb.

The current issue of National Catholic Register carries the inspiring story of fraternal twins thriving a year after being born at 21 weeks and 5 days of development in the womb. A picture shows the baby boy and baby girl looking very healthy and wearing t-shirts saying (on the girl) “born together” with an arrow pointing to her brother whose shirt says “friends forever” with an arrow pointing to his sister.

Those who have read my book “Building a Culture of Life” will recall that there is a 50% chance of survival for a child born at 24 weeks, and that pro-life pediatricians recommend resuscitation and ICU. At 23 weeks or less, there is “no chance” of survival, so hospice is recommended to provide dignity to the child and to allow parents to grieve. At 22 and a half weeks, these parents were told that the babies, only weighing 12 and 15 ounces, respectively, would not be resuscitated and would be placed on the mother’s chest to die.

“Born the weight of a can of soda with skin so thin their organs were visible, the babies fit in the palm of their parents’ hands.” There was no chance for survival…….except for God. The parents are Christians “with a fierce faith and belief in the power of prayer.” They “stormed Heaven” with fervent prayers, soon joined by “prayer warriors on social media all over the world.” https://www.sinaihealth.ca/news/born-at-mount-sinai-hospital-the-worlds-most-premature-twins/ The twins are now thriving.

So, what do you think about second trimester abortions? Is it just a piece of tissue, an inconvenience to a woman who has educational or career plans, a disaster for a woman who is without support from the father, a child that will be a burden on society…??? The abortionists will take care of this little problem. The relevant chapter in my book describes how these children would be killed and dismembered and their parts removed from the womb (think of the “products of conception” being put back together in the movie “Unplanned” to be sure all the parts were removed from the mother).

All of us developed from the tiniest beginnings and passed through this stage on the way to becoming a new full-term baby, but we were a person in development at every stage of that process. This is what is asserted by abortion survivors, those people who survived an attempt to end their lives in the womb. They say that they were persons then, just as they are persons now, and that their lives matter. Their testimony is perhaps that most feared by those who support abortion. https://abortionsurvivors.org/

Let us be mindful that we are now “setting the stage for our next major battle together…ensuring Human Rights for All in America,” asserting and protecting the personhood of every preborn American in the womb.

Let us not be tired, complacent, or satisfied with our success. Our success has indeed been limited, and the abortion protagonists are well funded and relentless in pursuit of their goals of protecting political power and vast sources of financial gain.

Chapter 9 in my book also addresses some of the things we can do to make a difference, and I reaffirm these as often as I can get someone to listen (or read). However, there is much more for us to discuss, and I will bring those to your attention in due course. For now, do not miss any opportunity to get out and be seen and heard. Be sure that we provide support to those on the front lines providing direct care to women in need every day. Be sure that they have the financial means and material items they need.

And remember, if you are not out there being seen and actually doing something, government leadership will think that pro-life advocates are few, weak, and uncommitted. They will listen instead to those who are committed and have the money to back up their demands. Let us not be found coming up short.