Ending the Year Troubled but Hopeful Dec. 19, 2022

Herein, I provide you with a variety of topics to illustrate the emotions that we all must feel as 2022 comes to a close. The year has brought us the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the right to debate in our communities how incipient human life shall be protected –or destroyed–and to elect those people who will make the laws that govern our society. However, that success for democracy and constitutional law leaves us challenged by powerful adversaries that lust for the blood of the innocent because of the money and political power that has become associated with the business of abortion.

Therefore, when we advocate to help mothers with everything they need to choose life for their baby, we threaten the wealth and power derived from making mothers feel like abortion is their only responsible choice. We should not be surprised, therefore, if those people lash out with hate speech, threats, and violence. They have also used their very considerable resources to denigrate those who want to help mothers and babies with whatever they need, to isolate mothers from such resources, and to provide innovative ways for mothers to abort their babies.

I discussed the latter in my last post. I now focus for a moment on more objective information. (Thank you Pregnancy Help News and others cited below.)

“Pregnancy help work is an Advent-style life, with expectation, hope, faith, joy, and peace”: https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/pregnancy-help-work-is-an-advent-style-life-with-expectation-hope-faith-joy-and-peace

“Motherhood isn’t fatal: According to the pro-abortion mantra, women must sacrifice the lives of their unborn children to succeed in life. Evidence shows they couldn’t be more wrong”. https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/motherhood-isn-t-fatal

“DOJ official admits targeting pro-lifers as response to overturn of Roe“: https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/doj-official-admits-targeting-pro-lifers-as-response-to-overturn-of-roe

“Feminism 2022: Silencing women with politically incorrect (pro-life) views”: https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/feminism-2022-silencing-women-with-politically-incorrect-pro-life-views

From Shawn Carney: “Last month, National Public Radio aired an audio recording of a woman aborting her twins. Why would anyone want to listen to not one, but two human beings get torn apart by a vacuum machine? It’s the clearest sign yet that our culture has lost even the most basic sense of reverence for God’s precious gift of human life.” “Someone cares: Child killed in on-air NPR abortion segment mourned”: https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/someone-cares-child-killed-in-on-air-npr-abortion-segment-mourned

The following news article demonstrates how fixed delusions and the dangerous idealizations that some of our adversaries exhibit control their behavior. It is baffling how those whose hearts are in the right place, loving and caring for women and babies and wanting to offer every help needed, while not condemning, but offering healing to those who choose abortion, are denigrated viciously in the misguided beliefs of many who support abortion as a form of birth control: “Pro-abortion protesters disrupt D.C. pregnancy center’s annual banquet with vulgar rants” https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/pro-abortion-protesters-disrupt-d-c-pregnancy-center-s-annual-banquet-with-vulgar-rants I invite you to read that portion of my book that explains how people come to believe with passion things that are blatantly untrue, and why their beliefs cannot be shaken.

And, in UK: “A Bill that criminalizes offers of help and alternatives to abortion outside abortion clinics in Northern Ireland does not ‘disproportionately interfere’ with the rights of protesters, the Supreme Court has ruled”. https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/uk-supreme-court-ignores-testimony-of-women-helped-by-pro-life-support-outside-abortion-clinics

And, in Mexico: “it’s time for Mexico to determine a clear and firm course in defense of life, pregnant women, and their children.” “at this time, the widespread demand of Mexican society is the prevention of any form of violence against women, and for those who are pregnant, protection must be extended to their children in the womb.” https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/pro-lifers-in-mexico-demand-government-put-an-end-to-killings-of-pregnant-women

Now for some observations from Christian Voices for Life that we must know (#7 and #8 will be in a future email; I invite you to subscribe to their emails):

“Eight Blatant Lies of the Abortion Industry: # 1 – 3” https://files.ecatholic.com/6894/documents/2022/12/8-Blatant-Lies-1-3.pdf?t=1671467665000

“Eight Blatant Lies of the Abortion Industry: # 4 – 6” https://files.ecatholic.com/6894/documents/2022/12/8-Blatant-Lies-4-6.pdf?t=1671467740000

From Heartbeat International: “Statistics show more than 4,000 babies’ lives have been saved from the abortion pill [since the overturn of Roe v. Wade] … and counting!” More women are using the abortion pills, so the number of women with remorse (sometimes after being under pressure from another person and forced to take the pills) is also increasing, as are the number of facilities that are offering abortion pill reversal.

From Melissa Ohden, founder of Abortion Survivors Network: “While I have met 618 survivors personally, our research shows there are likely over 1,734 babies born alive each year after their mother’s failed abortion! The Abortion Survivors Network is the only organization worldwide that serves those who survive failed abortions. Our mission is to reach, heal, empower and equip abortion survivors and their biological and adoptive families.” Their work includes advocating to legislative bodies from the perspective of a person that survived an abortion attempt that they were a person in the womb and that their lives matter. https://abortionsurvivors.org/

In Malta: “20,000 take to streets of Malta to demand Government not introduce abortion” Malta is a nation state that does not legally permit abortion on demand. https://pregnancyhelpnews.com/20-000-take-to-streets-of-malta-to-demand-government-not-introduce-abortion

Please refer to the “Upcoming Pro-Life Activities” page on this web site for events that you can attend and have your voice heard. Now more than ever, we must participate, we must be informed, and we must be sure the truth is told.

Whenever we can, we must also financially support those pregnancy help centers that provide direct care to women, those institutions that educate our youth and fight for the hearts and minds of the people, and those who advocate that they were a person in the womb, just as they are a person now, and that the lives of every developing person has value, from conception to natural death.