The tragedies of rape and incest are compounded by human sex trafficking. In an article published on line in 2017, data was presented from the International Labor Organization which estimated 11.4 million women and girls worldwide are in forced labor and 4 million in forced sex work or sexually abused while exploited in other sectors.
Of these about 7.5% (300,000) become pregnant and studies estimate 34-55% have at least one abortion and about 30% have multiple abortions. This is a population into which new women appear as older women leave, and it is an ongoing problem around the globe. In particular, prostitution is considered a low risk, high reward business.
A study of over 1000 prostitutes in the US by the Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy in 2014 reported on how many victims of such sex trafficking had abortions. Two-thirds said they had abortions in clinics and 30% said they went to Planned Parenthood. One woman reports:
“I got pregnant six times and had six abortions during this time. Several of them were from a doctor who was a client—he did them backdoor… At least one of my abortions was from Planned Parenthood because they didn’t ask any questions…You went backdoor where the charge was more like $150.”
In 2011, Live Action (an anti-abortion organization) produced videos since 2008 from several Planned Parenthood locations. Eight Planned Parenthood locations in six states were found to be covering up child sexual abuse when an investigator was posing as 13 years old. Employees said later that they did so because they did not want the publicity or problems with angry abusers.
An investigator posing as a pimp and seeking evaluation of his girls for sexually transmitted diseases and arranging for abortions when they were pregnant was told, “If they are minors, tell them [to say] they are students.” Pro-Choice commentators have said the videos are “intentionally misleading.” However, the Beazley report has not been challenged.